About Us
The Bunny Friend Neighborhood Association Inc.
(Bunny Friend) was founded in March, 2006 and received its 501c3 tax exempt status in August, 2008. The geographic area of the association includes the area bounded by Franklin Avenue to Kentucky Street and St. Claude to Florida Avenues. Bunny Friends was founded after Hurricane Katrina to address the rebuilding needs of the Upper 9th Ward residents. Residents in this neighborhood are characterized as some of the city’s neediest citizens who are typically underserved, especially after the storm.
The Upper 9th Ward was completely devastated due to flood waters and residents were left to rebuild what remained. Bunny Friend's work has made a lasting impact on restoring morale among residents, and moving along the slow process of rebuilding the area. Residents look toward Bunny Friends as an ongoing resource to help them with restoration.
Bunny Friend collaborating Partners or Jeffery Supack at Water Wise Gulf South, Cheryl Austin with Greater Treme Consortium Inc., Angela Chalk with Healthy Community Services,
Girl Scouts Troop #42614 and Dana Brown at Dana Brown Associates.
These collaboration have brought Green Infrastructure to our community. All three african american women are (NGCIP) National Green Infrastructure Certified.
Water Wise 101 Workshop is a tool that we use to educate residents on green infrastructure such as french drains,
rain gardens, Bioswales, permeable pavers and Rain Barrels.
The 101 Classes or very important.
We have Green Infrastructure 101 Workshop coming up on May 1st. the registration link is below so you can share it with other resident inside our community.
Here is the registration link that residents can use to sign up for the workshop: